2024-25 Athletic Passes

Family Passes are only valid for up to 6 people who live in the same household. Please include all 6 names of those will be using the pass at checkout.

Tuesday, August 20 –
Tuesday, July 1, 2025

Event Policy: No refunds or exchanges - This event has a no refund policy.

Family Passes are only valid for up to 6 people who live in the same household. Please include all 6 names of those will be using the pass at checkout.

Pass Type Price Quantity

2024-25 Athletic Pass, Family

Digital Pass


sales end 07/01 8:00PM EDT

2024-25 Athletic Pass, Students

Digital Pass


sales end 07/01 8:00PM EDT

2024-25 Athletic Pass, Middle School Family Pass

Digital Pass

This pass is valid for up to 6 people in the same household into any WCS Middle School athletic event. Please include all 6 names of those who will be using this pass at checkout.


sales end 07/01 8:00PM EDT